
5 Best Locations to Place Arcade Claw Machines

The best 5 locations to place arcade claw machines include: 1) Shopping malls, with an annual foot traffic of 30 million to 50 million, recommended locations are major corridors or near dining areas; 2) Entertainment centers, such as amusement parks, with annual visitor numbers around 2 million, choose entrances or entertainment areas; 3) Large supermarket entrances, with a monthly foot traffic of 500,000 to 1 million, utilize the checkout wait time; 4) University campuses, with student numbers reaching 30,000, place them near library entrances or dining areas; 5) Tourist attractions, like West Lake, with annual visitor numbers of 20 million, set the machines in main sightseeing or rest areas.

Shopping Malls

Shopping malls see annual foot traffic ranging from 30 million to 50 million people. Century Plaza in Shanghai and Sanlitun in Beijing each had 30 million visitors in one year. Install claw machines in large corridors or near dining areas. Customers typically stay in malls for 2 to 3 hours, providing ample time for claw machines to attract a large number of potential players.

According to industry data, the usage rate of claw machines in shopping malls is 30% higher than in other locations. In a Shanghai mall, a claw machine can be played more than 1,500 times each month. This high visibility and increased usage can significantly boost revenue through strategic placement and promotional activities. Promotions in high-traffic areas and at busy times can generate additional income.

Entertainment Centers

Cinemas, bowling alleys and family entertainment centers bring in lots of families with younger customers. Annual viewership for a medium-sized cinema might range around 1.5 million, whereas both bowling alleys and amusement park experiences offer similar annual foot traffic in Beijing and nowhere else on Earth where there is a park with an annual audience of around 2 million people. Putting claw machines at the entrance or entertainment area of these venues efficiently uses this high-frequency foot traffic.

Thematically relevant for entertainment centers, claw machines are one of the most used mechanical games. In reality, that claw machines in these locations are used over 1,000 times per month, which is about 50 percent more than in other locations. Most of these places are family locations, and claw machines become part of a family game. Using a claw to engage, doing some promotional activities or themed rewards can make it more appealing and encourage people to play many times.

Large Supermarket Entrances

Claw machines are suitable to be placed at supermarket entrances. Supermarket with 500,000 to 1 million foot traffic per month. In Shenzhen, China Resources Vanguard welcomes 700,000 people a month; by contrast with another category like the Isetan Mitsukoshi department stores (average foot traffic: 1100 in Japan). During checkout, five to 10 minutes is a great opportunity for trying the claw machines which customers tend to stand idle.

Studies in the field have indicated 20% to 30% click rates on those claw machines placed at entrances of supermarkets. This high engagement potential is further highlighted by the fact that a single claw machine in a big store can be used by as many 800 times per month. Offering up-to-date rewards and hosting events can keep customers interested, fostering a sense of excitement and intrigue.

University Campuses

The majority of these schools are large, and their undergraduate enrollment can be as high as 10,000, even reaching 30,000. Tsinghua University has nearly 30,000 students. Popular locations for claw machines include near library entrances, dining areas or dormitories where a high number of students pass through. The daily student traffic at these locations is often in the thousands.

With the higher frequency of claw machines on campus, our data indicate that they have become an integral part of student life. Claw machines have more than 2,000 plays a month on average at some campuses — about 40 percent higher than in other types of venues. They are especially popular during breaks or in freetime for students. By regularly changing promotional prizes and hosting events on campus, we can ensure their high popularity and the revenue they generate, thereby enhancing the overall student experience.

Tourist Attractions

When it comes to tourist attractions, more people go there regularly for a continuous period. Some places, such as West Lake, see nearly 20 million people per year pass through. Outside these spots, claw machines can be set onto advertised locations in a bid to capitalize on tourists who have free time.

Claw machines at tourist attractions are used on average 50% to 70% more than at all other locations. At some of the most popular attractions, these machines are used up to 3,000 times a month or even more. Their fun factor and the opportunity to engage visitors who have free time can significantly boost revenue. Promotions during the tourism season can further enhance their appeal, drawing in additional guests and increasing profit margins.

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